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programa d'aquesta setmana comença amb el gran saxofonista Chris
Potter i el seu darrer àlbum The Sirens,
continuarem amb el Roger Mas i el seu últim treball Ameba.
Seguirem amb el gran pianista , compositor, director i arranjador
George Russell el qual serà el nostre convidat a la segona
hora. La part clàssica d'aquesta setmana correra a carreg de
la gran Orquestra de Benny Goodman acompanyat de Peggy
Lee que serà la cantant d'avui, i tancarem amb el gran
pianista Mal Waldron i un dels seus àlbums del 1969 Free
At Last.
2º hora
selecció George Russell Decca & Riverside 1960-1962
George Russell
Date: September 20,
Location: New York
Label: Decca
George Russell
(ldr), Dave Young (ts), Al Kiger (t), David Baker (tb), George
Russell (p), Chuck Israels (b), Joe Hunt (d)
1-Swingdom Come -
7:26 (George Russell) / arr: George Russell
All titles on:
Decca LP 12": DL 9220 — At The Five Spot
Verve CD: 088
112 287-2 — At The Five Spot (2000)
Despite issue title,
this was not recorded live at the Five Spot.
LP issue gives
incorrect timing for 109601 as 6:15.
George Russell
Date: October 18,
Location: Plaza
Sound Studios, New York City
Label: Riverside
George Russell
(ldr), Dave Young (ts), Al Kiger (t), David Baker (tb), George
Russell (p), Chuck Israels (b), Joe Hunt (d)
Donna - 8:25 (George Russell) / arr: George Russell
New - 6:55 (George Russell) / arr: George Russell
All titles on:
Riverside LP 12": RLP-341 — Stratusphunk
Original Jazz
Classics CD: OJCCD-232-2 — Stratusphunk
George Russell
Date: February 23,
Location: New York
Label: Decca
George Russell
(ldr), Dave Young (ts), Don Ellis (t), David Baker (tb), George
Russell (p, a), Chuck Israels (b), Joe Hunt (d)
4-Theme -
03:03 (George Russell)
5-Sandu -
11:00 (Clifford Brown)
Decca LP 12":
DL 4183 - In K. C.
Despite issue title,
this was not recorded in Kansas City.
George Russell
Don Ellis (trumpet)
Dave Baker (trombone) Eric Dolphy (alto saxophone, bass clarinet)
George Russell (piano) Stephen Swallow (bass) Joe Hunt (drums)
Plaza Sound Studios,
NYC, May 8, 1961
6-Ezz-Thetic Riverside
RLP 375; Milestone M 47027
Riverside RLP 375
* Riverside RLP 375,
RS 9375; Original Jazz Classics OJC 070, OJCCD 070-2; Riverside
RCD-30188-25 George Russell Sextet - Ezz-Thetics
* Milestone M 47027
George Russell - Outer Thoughts
* Riverside RS 3043
George Russell Sextet Featuring Don Ellis And Eric Dolphy - 1 2 3 4
5 6extet
George Russell
Date: January 31,
Location: Plaza
Sound Studios, New York City
Label: Riverside
George Russell
(ldr), John Pierce (as), Paul Plummer (ts), Don Ellis (t), David
Baker (tb), George Russell (p, a), Steve Swallow (b), Joe Hunt (d)
- 04:57 (George Russell)
Stratus Seekers - 07:44 (George Russell)
Riverside LP 12":
RLP-412 - The Stratus Seekers
All titles on: -
Original Jazz Classics CD: OJCCD-365-2 - The Stratus Seekers
Date: August 27,
Location: Plaza
Sound Studios, New York City
Label: Riverside
George Russell
(ldr), Paul Plummer (ts), Don Ellis (t), Garnett Brown (tb), George
Russell (p), Steve Swallow (b), Pete LaRoca Sims (d), Sheila Jordan
Outer View - 10:03 (George Russell) / arr: George Russell
Riverside LP 12":
RLP-12-440 — The Outer View
All titles on:
Original Jazz Classics CD: OJCCD-616-2 — The Outer View
Sheila Jordan (v) on